Sony Xperia Go, Android Immune Water

Sony Xperia Go
The phone is pretty much identical to the hardiness stern appearance. But not so with the Xperia Go. Arguably even a form of this handset looks 'cute'.

Yes, most people probably do not suspect that the Xperia Go designed resilient. Only when immersed in water, people may be ngeh that this handset is also frightening.

Small form feels right in the palm of the hand. It is noteworthy that the body is made of plastic, thereby reducing the character as expensive handset.

As mobile phones in general, there are various buttons and ports all over his body Xperia Go. Buttons and headphone jack micro USB closed tightly enough to protect the phone if exposed to water.

Rear casing can be opened, but that was about it. For the entire interior, including the battery is protected and can not be opened. To insert the SIM card and microSD, there is a special mat that can be removed and inserted again.

In addition to stylish, this phone is also quite thin. From the design and construction, so-so practically interesting. Although the plastic material may not liked by everyone.