World News - Obama is known to use Apple products in their daily life, the iPad and MacBook. Evidence love U.S. President at the company's legacy of Steve Jobs's return was evident in the speech that he is playing.
In his speech at the Democratic National Convention, Obama is known to alter any of its contents in the final seconds in which the change is related to the names of two giant players, Google and Apple.
Originally, the president mentioned in his speech the internet giant Google. But what happened was he even praised the founder of Apple and Google's name.
Here is the content of a fragment of the speech Obama 'original' is given to the New York Times and quoted from Mashable, Friday (07/09/2012):
"We believe that a little girl who's offered an escape from poverty by a great teacher or a grant for college could Become the founder of the next Google."
and statements are delivered Obama in public:
"We believe that a little girl who's offered an escape from poverty by a great teacher or a grant for college could Become the next Steve Jobs."
Name Steve Jobs himself had only called by the Obama administration. On another occasion, Mitt Romney, Republican presidential candidate also mentioned the name of the founder of Apple last week.