Nokia Closes Factory in Their Own 'Cage'

Finland - unpleasant news again came from the mobile phone manufacturer Nokia. In the midst of their efforts to re-conquer in the realm that had catapulted them, the decision hard to take this company.

Decision is related to the plan of Nokia in June regarding the closing of manufacturing plants located in Salo, Finland, the country where they originated.

Quoted by Reuters on Saturday (07.28.2012), Nokia has come to the final decision to end the factory there. Further informed that the production in Salo has been stopped and for the rest of this year, 780 people will be laid off.

Previously, Nokia had released information that it has plans to cut 3700 jobs in their home countries in order to make cost savings. More sad statement also came out that they're in an attempt to stop as many as 10,000 jobs globally by the end of 2013.

Although already stopped production, but was officially closing the plant in Salo will be conducted in September this year. Yes, competition from players such as Apple, Samsung and Google was no doubt the reason for sluggish business run Nokia.

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